DNS Changer Malware

Hi everybody, today we are going to talk about the DNS changer malware. If you are one of the thousands of people who have a computer that is infected with the DNS changer virus, your computer may loose it’s connectivity with the internet on July 9, 2012. DNS is basically like a routing service for your computer. It helps to connect you to the correct servers in order to get to the sites that you want to go to. If your DNS is altered, you might be directed to sites that are different then the ones you choose (redirected). There are many virus infections that can cause redirects and these can usually be fixed by using different methods of removal depending on the origin of the redirects. The difference with the DNS changer virus is that on or after July 9, infected computers will loose all connectivity to the internet if infected.

The DNS changer virus actually originated several years ago and it recently was shut down by the FBI. When the servers were shut down, the bad DNS server numbers were corrected and infected computers were directed to the correct sites through these servers. These alternate servers will be shut down on July 9. Anybody that is still using these servers will loose their internet connection at that time if the malware is not removed prior to July 9. If you are connected to this altered internet, you probably will not notice any symptoms. There is a test at dcwg.org to see if you actually are infected.

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