Archive for advantagecomputers577

Slow Computer

Hi everybody today we are going to talk about what to do with a slow computer. We all have issues with our computers slowing down from time to time at some point in time. Sometimes, all that is needed to remedy the problem is to simply reboot the computer. this action will usually help the most when you have been doing a lot of work, especially with graphics or games. The reason for this type of slowdown is usually because a program that you are using is not handling the ram properly. A well written program will normally release the memory it is using either while you are using it or when you shut it down. Some programs have memory leaks that can cause the system to bog down because it is using too much ram (memory) on your computer. When you reboot the system, the memory is released and you begin again with a clean slate. If this happens on a regular basis, you might want to choose a different program to do the job you are trying to do or if you must use the offending program, you can install a utility such as Tune-Up Utilities to help manage the memory leak. Choosing a better program for the job is almost always the better choice.

Computer Power Options

Hi everybody, today I would like to talk a little about the different power options you have for your computer. There has been a lot of talk about whether you should leave your computer on all the time or shut it off at night. If you search the topic, you will find answers that vary widely. Today, I am going to share some of my own experiences on the topic.

DNS Changer Malware

Hi everybody, today we are going to talk about the DNS changer malware. If you are one of the thousands of people who have a computer that is infected with the DNS changer virus, your computer may loose it’s connectivity with the internet on July 9, 2012. DNS is basically like a routing service for your computer. It helps to connect you to the correct servers in order to get to the sites that you want to go to. If your DNS is altered, you might be directed to sites that are different then the ones you choose (redirected). There are many virus infections that can cause redirects and these can usually be fixed by using different methods of removal depending on the origin of the redirects. The difference with the DNS changer virus is that on or after July 9, infected computers will loose all connectivity to the internet if infected.

Computer Power Protection

Hi everybody, today we are going to talk about computer power protection. We all know how much a power blip can inconvenience us when you are in the middle of an important project on your computer. Power surges or brown outs can cause your computer to rapidly shut off or freeze. If you were in the middle of a project, you might loose some the work you were working on or you may encounter something much worse. Under some circumstances, an abrupt shutdown from a brief power failure can cause catastrophic damage to the machine. The damage can come in many forms. Sometimes when a hard drive is shut down improperly, physical damage can sometimes be done to the drive itself. In other instances, the operating system files may become corrupt and a repair install of windows will be in order. In other cases, damage to other components including the motherboard can occur.

The Evolution of Operating Systems

Hi everybody, today we are going to talk about the evolution of operating systems! With all the technology we have today computer repair has come a long way since the early days of Windows. Just think, it seems like just yesterday that we were using Windows 95, and that it was the greatest thing since the invention of coffee. At that time dialup was the primary internet connection and remote support was very cumbersome if not almost impossible because of the slow internet connections. The primary way to repair your system was to take your computer to a local repair shop. At the time, there were very few options. Remember trying to connect a USB device? It was haphazard at best to get it to work.


Hi everybody! Welcome to our new blog for Advantage Computers. Here we will post information related to computer virus removal, latest Windows updates and much more. Check back often for the latest information.

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