Tag Archive for computer repair plan

Should I Buy That Computer Repair Plan?

The tide is changing for the way many of us get our computers fixed and repaired. Just a short couple of years ago, online repair was not the first choice for most folks. Many felt more comfortable taking their machine to a shop rather then having it fixed online. The truth is that online is actually more secure then a shop, simply because you stay with your machine the whole time the repair is being done. In addition, you do not have to take your computer apart or even leave the house. The convenience is probably the driving force to its popularity. In fact, it has gotten so popular that hundreds of companies have sprouted out of the woodwork over the last couple of years. A good part of these companies are not located in the United States. Since labor is cheaper when subbed out to other countries, many companies have done this as a means of saving money. Most of these companies offer plans that include support for a monthly charge.

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